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Ep2, Parenting Up! Vodcast:"Becoming a Caregiver w/o Warning" -- Interactive ALZ Conversation

J Smiles describes how abruptly she became a full-time caregiver. After living an extremely independent global life, her father died of a massive heart attack and within 90 days her mom was thrust into early onset Alzheimer's disease. Literally, J blinked and her "healthy" forensic accountant CPA mother was incapable of living alone. This episode gives ALL the details of her "overnight" new normal. THIS IS A REPLAY.

Parenting Up! is a podcast and a vodcast about comedian J Smiles caregiving adventures. You can hear the podcast on all audio platforms and interact with the vodcast on Getvokl.com.
**Links to podcast and GetVokl on Parenting UP YouTube HOME page**